Introducing The Hootenanny Art Annex


This September we will be taking over the Brooklyn Design Lab space at 413A 7th Ave, in South Slope, and we are thrilled to continue the wonderful legacy of ART MAKING that our longtime friend Amy Yang has built there over the last ten years! 

Hootenanny Art teacher extraordinaire, Hannah Kasper Levinson is busy designing curriculum for 7 days a week of ART! 

Hannah will take her wildly popular sensory Toddler Art Play class over to the Annex 5 mornings a week so we can introduce this nurturing, exploratory class to as many little ones as possible! We will continue to offer Make and Explore for 2-4 year olds and Hooten-Art for big kids 5-8, but we will have the opportunity to expand and offer classes for all ages and dive deeper into specific themes and art mediums. 
Some of our favorite ideas are...
Recycled Art
Gratitude & Gifts
Treasures & Collections
Nature Art
Art of Storytelling
mobile photography
jewelery making
interior design for pre-teens

Plus collaborative classes for families, private family art sessions, and monthly craft nights for adults featuring guest artists!

Sign up for our Mailing List at the bottom of the page for updates!

Small but Mighty Hootenanny RETURNS!


JOIN US ON MAY 20, 2018


On May 20th, 2018 we will return to the Bell House for a concert to support Moms Demand Action. Pete Sinjin will be joined by other local musicians to celebrate the music of artist who have lost their lives because of gun violence. Hannah will lead art activities and food donated from local restaurants will be available.