Canta Y Baila De Colores week 1 Video with Anath!


Canta Y Baila De Colores week 2 Video with Anath!

Canta Y Baila De Colores week 3 Video with Anath!

Canta Y Baila De Colores week 5 Video with Anath!

Canta Y Baila De Colores week 7 Video with Anath!

Canta Y Baila De Colores week 9 Video with Anath!


Canta Y Baila De Colores week 4 Video with Anath!

Canta Y Baila De Colores week 6 Video with Anath!

Canta Y Baila De Colores week 8 Video with Anath!

Canta Y Baila De Colores week 10 Video with Anath!


Downloading Music For Canta Y Baila is through Bandcamp. Each Family will receive a Unique Code

Bandcamp How-T0

Opening a Bandcamp account is free, and so is their excellent app for streaming your music on your phone and other mobile devices. For ease of access create your Bandcamp Fan Account first. Skipping this step may make it difficult to find your redeemed music. After creating your account, you are ready to redeem your codes easily any time!
To Redeem your Bandcamp Download Code:
*Codes can only be redeemed on a web browser
Proceed to the web address provided and LOGIN to your Bandcamp Fan Account. Enter your unique code and check “Add this to my collection” and select Redeem.
After you redeem successfully you check for your redeemed music by selecting "Collection" or the Heart icon.

Stream Your Music:

  • Download the Bandcamp App to your phone or tablet with iTunes or Play store.

  • Login with the Fan Account you created.

  • You can find your redeemed music by tapping the heart icon on the app.

    Download Directly to your PC

    You also have access to a download from your Bandcamp code. Press the Download link at the time you redeem your code, or under the picture of your album once inside Then follow the instructions above to play through your preferred MP3 player.

    Once the songs have been downloaded onto your computer, follow the instructions for your preferred music player.

    Here are instructions for two of the most popular options...


    To add music from your computer into iTunes, do either of the following:

    Drag a file or folder from the desktop to the iTunes window. If you add a folder, all the files it contains are added to your library.


In iTunes, choose File > Add to Library or Add Folder to Library, locate a file or folder, then click Open.

Google Play
To upload your music from your PC to Google Play:
Login to Google Play and select “Music” on the left pane.
Select “My Music” in the left pane.
Select the “Add music” button in the upper-right corner.
Drag any music files you wish to copy over to the window. Alternately, you could choose “Select from your computer” to browse to the file(s).
The files will then upload to Google Play and be available to download or play from the Google Play Music web page or app on your Android device.

Join the Playdate on the CyBC® Family Playground!

We are so excited that you have decided to come to the playground. Follow the steps below to join your friends at the Playdate!
For Access please proceed to and Login.
To Login: Use the email address you provided to your CyBC® Center. This email address is used as both your username and password.
Once you are logged in scroll down and click “View Product” and in you are ready to sing and dance into your first Playdate!
You can find your first playdate on the right side of the screen.